Embodied Carbon

ZNCC at the Embodied Carbon Roundtable

By: Cory Rouillard

What’s new in the world of Embodied Carbon in our built environment? Scott Henson will be representing the Zero Net Carbon Collaboration (ZNCC) at 11am ET on Thursday, 4/18 at the NGO/Government Roundtable on Embodied Carbon. Hosted by the Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF), the roundtable will include updates from key leaders in this topic, representing the US federal government and several nonprofit organizations.

Scott is a co-chair of the ZNCC. In his professional outreach as well as his leadership of Henson Architecture, Scott advocates for the value of retention, restoration, and retrofit of our existing buildings, both for building owners and for the climate.

Sign up to attend here: https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtdOuprDkuGdDQSVrTCUyrJkZcbtm8E6oh#/registration

The roundtable is available to view online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cacDxYo8Qkk

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