an aerial view of a city with people walking around

Here Now, The Giant, Verdant Bowl In The Next High Line Phase

By: Scott Henson

Hana R. Alberts reports for Curbed.


[Renderings via James Corner Field Operations and Diller Scofidio + Renfro, courtesy of the City of New York.]

Friends of the High Line just unveiled one special design element for Phase 3, the part that curls west and then north into the Hudson Yards area. Where it curves to the west, at 10th Avenue and West 30th Street, is a particularly wide point of the span dubbed the Spur, and an enormous bowl-shaped feature is planned for that juncture. First spotted by DNAinfo, the bowl serves as an oval amphitheater-slash-chill out space, with seating for visitors that is encircled in broad-leaf woodland grasses, perennials, and ferns, as well as Snakebark maple and black tupelo trees. FotHL says it’s “an extraordinary, sheltered, and vegetated interior room that one discovers through various openings and entries.” And, somehow, they’re fitting public bathrooms in there. Functional! Phase 3 is currently under construction and is set to open in late 2014.







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