Lucy G. Moses Preservation Awards – Winner!

By: Scott Henson

Congratulations team! We received the Moses Award (The New York Landmarks Conservancy) for the Banner Building, the Conservancy’s highest honors for outstanding preservation efforts. The Awards ceremony will be at the New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West (an Award winner) on Wednesday, April 25, starting at 6:00pm, with a reception starting at around 7:00. Peg Breen, the Conservancy president, will make the presentation with a powerpoint and a few comments about each project.


Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Check-in 5:30 Ceremony: 6:00 Reception: 7:00

Where: The New-York Historical Society 170 Central Park West

Tickets: Click here to purchase tickets or contact Jenna Smith 212.995.5260

About the Awards

The Moses Awards are the Conservancy’s highest honors for outstanding preservation efforts. Named in honor of dedicated New Yorker and noted philanthropist Lucy G. Moses, the Awards recognize the property owners, builders, architects, artisans, and designers who renew the beauty and utility of New York City’s distinctive architecture. The annual Moses Awards celebrate the success of historic preservation and its role in the economic, social, and cultural vitality of the City. Preservation Awards are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in the restoration, preservation, or adaptive use of historic buildings, streetscapes, and landscapes that preserve commercial, residential, institutional, religious, and public buildings. Other possible categories include community groups or organizations that foster neighborhood revitalization.

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